Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's a Nice Day For A White wedding....(Ask ROSEystyle)

I got the distressed SOS call from my sister-in-law en-route to her boss's wedding celebration (not service)!  Her friend casually asked...."so what are you wearing". She answered  "a cream dress". This sent her friend into "how could you" mode, and my sister-in-law into a tizzy!  Good thing she knows who to call.  My gut reaction was,  that rule belongs in the the same circular file as no white before Memorial Day or after Labor day.  But, after doing some research I found that responses are somewhat mixed on this topic and it's a very, very personal decision. However, I did find that Peggy Post and I agree (who would've thought a jersey girl and the daughter of good manners!)

ROSEystyle recommends....exercising good judgement when choosing any wedding attire.  Afterall, it is summer and what is more comfy then a light colored dress in hazy, hot and humid weather.  The key here is to not upstage the bride. Most likely, she will be in white, but these days who knows.  Some brides are wearing various shades of neutrals and even pink!  Anything goes.  And so I think this goes for guests  as well.

 I mean do you really think in this my sister-in-law would be mistaken for a bride?!!!

Victoria Secret

Here are a few more pretty dresses to choose from for a summer wedding.  If you are still feeling white/cream is a big NO NO, choose a vibrant color.  If you prefer black but are stuck in old traditions, replace with a pretty navy.

 1. Eliza J Print Chiffon Dress
2. Anthropology Elvia Dress
3.  Jcrew Circle Eyelet Dress 
4. Jcrew Lucille Dress
5. Eliza J Print Crepe  De Chine Dress

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Products I Can't Live Without